Photo of Laura Montanaro Argentina

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Background When the artist undresses prejudice and reasoning, establishing a unique way to their more profound content, alternating between states of joy, uncertainty, of calm. This intimate dialog, offered another, the observer generates an experience of encounter and communication indita Laura Montanaro from Uruguay, was born in Montevideo. In his teens attended the School of Applied Arts. Later studies completsus...

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27.56 x 19.69 in
31.50 x 23.62 in
39.37 x 39.37 in
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Photo of Laura Montanaro Argentina

Background When the artist undresses prejudice and reasoning, establishing a unique way to their more profound content, alternating between states of joy, uncertainty, of calm. This intimate dialog, offered another, the observer generates an experience of encounter and communication indita Laura Montanaro from Uruguay, was born in Montevideo. In his teens attended the School of Applied Arts. Later studies completsus Psychology, CLINICAL desarrollndose in the field and psychosocial. Attended various workshops of plastic, until he joined the National School of Fine Arts, must abandon its formation to move to Argentina, where he currently resides. In this country, continues its formation in the workshops of Heriberto Zorrilla / Helena Distfano (basic movements), Jorge and Silvia Kleiman Flichman-surrealism. During 2005 and participated in group exhibitions since 2006 in competitions art. His works are in private collections in Argentina, Germany, Spain, United States and Uruguay have also illustrated covers of various publications and catalogs and portals are in national and international art. PRIZES First Prize: Sample artist friend 4 SMATA Hall of Culture (September/2006). Work: A time in another time. First Prize: Spring Salon III - Galera Since the plastic - (October 2006). Work: Nostalgia Marine First Prize: Catholic University of Salta: 32 exhibition collective, sub-sede Buenos Aires (October 2006). Work: Echoes of old Van Rijn Prize Third Prize - Art Gallery Rembrandt Van Rijn - (June/2007). Work: Atalaya Mention of Honor Memorial, Hall Diversity and Violence 2007 - International SOS Ponce Discriminacin Boscarino, Art Space (November/2007. Work: Saving Freedom Mention: Full Color Spring Salon - Braque Art Galley - (September / 2006) Work: Interior Camino Mention: Salon Painting and Sculpture - Art Galley Braque - (August/2006). Artwork: Sunset. Mention: Salon Anniversary - Gallery of Art Rembrandt Van Rijn - (June 2007) Work: Camino Interior II Mention: Salon of the nude - Galera R van R - (August / 2007). Work: Enjoying expected to show upcoming exhibitions Individual Sample Galera Mercedes Giachetti, participating in the circuit in the circuit of San Telmo Night Gallery (October 2008) Art Fair Palais de Glace, Galley from Pl stica (August/2008) Individual Exhibition, Foundation Dante Alighieri de Buenos Aires (July/2007) participation in Gallery Night in Palermo in Galera from the plastic (June 2008) Displays and Exhibitions Sample taken collectively, Released on Inauguration Artists League (April 30, 2008) Individual Exhibition, Culture Hall Hugo del Carril, the Centro Integral de formation for the Construction Industry (cific), (April/2008) Selected Tribute to Women Salon, Galley Ponce Boscarino, participation in the pooled sample. (March/2008) Individual Exhibition, Galley Karina Paradiso (December/2007) Group Show, Art Fair Gallery Night in Palermo (December / 2007) Group Exhibition, The Recova - Gallery Night. Art da, (Nov. Dec. 2007) Group Exhibition Workshop and Helen Distfano Heriberto Zorrilla, Faculty of Abogaca, Hall of Lost Steps (December/2007) Exhibition Sense plenary Ardaiz Monica and Laura Montanaro, Galera Mercedes Giachetti (3 to October 21 / 2007), participating in the circuit of San Telmo Gallery Night on October 4. International itinerant exhibition Art Gallery - (June setiembre/2007) Classical Art 2007, 4th. Edition of the contemporary Art Fair of Buenos Aires and classic, developed between 3 and 8 May in the Pavilion 6 of the Costa Salguero Exhibition Center, Booth Galera Braque. Solo show at Restaurant Inside Galera From The plastic (February/2007) samples collected in Galera From The plastic (December/2006) samples collected in Galera From The plastic (November/2006) Workshop Group Show and Helena Distfano Heriberto Zorrilla, Faculty of Abogaca, Hall of Lost Steps (November/2006) Collective exhibition at the Hotel Sheraton-October/2006 Roma Theatre Collective exhibition, Salon Dorado. (October/2006) samples collected at the Center for Community participation Gestiny 15 of the Government of the City (August/2006) samples collected in the Argentina Catholic University (April/2006) Workshop Group Show Paint and plastic research Zorrilla-Distfano School of Law (November / 2005) Collective Exhibition of Painting and research workshop Zorrilla plastic-integrated into the circuit Distfano Gallery Night, Recova in Posadas. (May / 2006) participation in Art Accion A Decontruccin Walls, Accion the essential movements. Autumn Meeting Spots May/2006 Recova in Posadas, the integrated circuit Night Gallery May / 2006. His works are exhibited in various art websites (Artelista, Artists of the earth, Vaart, Arte al dia) and are in the Catalog of Classical Art and Contact information: Phone: 155405 5305 Partic.: 4643 1320 Email: Web Art to give Argentina: Artists of the Earth: / artists / lmontanaro Galera from plastic: Via International Art Gallery: League Artists

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